4 mins read

10 Ways to Make a Budget

While many financial experts recommend making a budget, the fact is that a budget is not a one-size-fits-all phenomenon. Luckily, there are many options for creating a budget, affording you the opportunity to set small goals on the way to making life’s bigger goals. Choose the type of budget that suits your lifestyle, and you have a far greater chance of being successful in following it.

5 mins read

List of Fun Exercises for Kids

Kids are naturally active and do not need much encouragement to get up and move. Keep them interested in physical activity with fun exercises that are also appropriate for their physical skill level, intellectual level and maturity level. Encourage exercises which involve movement, balance, coordination and teamwork. Running, walking and bike riding are exercises which kids learn early and are not quickly (if ever) outgrown. Other exercises including jumping rope or playing hopscotch will be abandoned by older children who want to be seen as mature and not as babies. All children can learn how to do sit-ups and push-ups, to build strength and stamina. Keep these activities as warm up exercises for older children, and encourage them to increase their stamina by adding more repetitions.

3 mins read

Pregnancy Development Second Trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy begins in the thirteenth week of pregnancy and ends at the beginning of week 28. This is often a woman’s favorite trimester of her pregnancy as the morning sickness often subsides, the belly begins to swell and a new rush of energy is experienced. Pregnancy development in the second trimester is a big time for both mother and baby.

3 mins read

About Surrogate Parents

There are diverse reasons that someone may consider surrogacy. Sometimes, an infertile woman has an abnormal womb or no womb, preventing a successful pregnancy. Sometimes, health conditions such as a heart problem may prevent a traditional pregnancy. There are also cases in which a single man or two homosexual men wish to contract a surrogate parent.

3 mins read

Types of Birth Control Pills Available

When birth control pills (or the Pill) were first made available to women in 1960, it was a liberating breakthrough. For the first time, women had a way to directly control reproduction. What they couldn’t control were the significant side effects associated with birth control pills, which until the 1980s were produced as a one-dose, one-hormone-fits all medication. Today however there are a number of different types of birth control pills available, with different hormones in differing levels, giving women a number of options to minimize side effects and maximize reproductive control.