2 mins read

How to Manage Ringworm Outbreak

It’s the last thing you expect to see: Your child has an itchy red circle on her skin, and the school nurse says it is ringworm. You’ll be relieved to learn that ringworm is not caused by worms at all–it’s an infection caused by a fungus. Properly named tinea, it is called ringworm when it appears on the skin or scalp, jock itch in the pubic area and athlete’s foot on the feet. Ringworm is easily treated with over-the-counter topical products and is typically gone within two weeks of beginning treatment. The tricky part is preventing recurrence or spread of the outbreak to other family members. Standard procedures can be used to combat an outbreak of ringworm.

3 mins read

Brown Spots in Pregnancy

Many women anticipate pregnancy as a time when their hair and nails grow at record pace and their skin practically glows. So it comes as quite a shock when they look in the mirror to see dark, blotchy brown spots reflected back at them. According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, more than 90 percent of all pregnant women experience some skin discoloration.

3 mins read

Pregnancy Development in the Second Trimester

The second trimester of your pregnancy is an important development stage for your baby, and you may begin to notice more changes in your body. As the fetus grows, your abdomen will too, and you may need to put away your normal clothes in exchange for your first maternity outfits. During this time, you will hit a significant point in your pregnancy–the halfway mark.

4 mins read

Week-by-Week Pregnancy Stages

It’s fascinating to know and understand the development of your baby week by week. Not only will you want to know what is happening inside your body, you should also know how your body is likely to react during each pregnancy stage. Pregnancies are divided into three trimesters, but things change on a week-by-week basis, too. Most pregnancies last about 40 weeks.