6 mins read

Failing Marriage Advice

People involved in a failing marriage have two choices: to try saving the marriage, or to end it. A marriage needs regular maintenance if it’s going to run smoothly. Like any other well-oiled machine, if it doesn’t get tended to regularly, then what started out as small cracks, dings and scratches can lead to damage that is much more serious. Issues in a marriage are the same way; small annoyances that are often swept aside because the couple is busy, frustrated, distracted or simply not paying attention can lead to problems that could compromise the happiness of your marriage. Protect the marriage before it begins to fail.

3 mins read

Enhancing Family Connections

Between school, sports, working, housework, homework, video games, laptops, cell-phones, texting, etc., its often difficult to find time for quality family interactions. Find a way to ensure you stay connected with your children. The evolution of the family over the past century has metamorphosed through …

3 mins read

The Peaceful Marriage Fantasy

Do you want a sweet, peaceful marriage? No one could blame you for wanting your marriage to be full of love and easy companionship. Unfortunately, the more you believe in this fantasy of the “perfectly peaceful marriage” the more pain you will experience, because the fantasy runs counter to …

6 mins read

Five Ways to Keep Your Man From Straying

Every time a celebrity couple is touched by infidelity – Pink’s hubby tries a different shade, or Ryan Phillippe spoons someone other than Reese – it’s like the rumble of distant thunder over our own relationships. Everywhere you look, you see potential targets for your partner’s straying eyes, hands …