3 mins read

5 Home Remedies to Fight Yeast Infections

While the fungus Candida albicans is normally present in the vagina in small amounts, when too much is present, a yeast infection can occur. In an uninfected vagina, lots of bacteria are present to keep the yeast in check. When something disrupts the balance of bacteria and yeast, like antibiotics, a change in hormones, or an illness, too much yeast can grow, resulting in what is called a yeast infection. While yeast infections are itchy and uncomfortable, rarely are they a serious health concern. If you’re having symptoms like an itchy vagina, white discharge that looks like cottage cheese or pain when you urinate or have intercourse, you may have a yeast infection. To treat a yeast infection yourself, try one of these home remedies.

2 mins read

Side Effects of the Birth Control Ring

If a baby is not in your immediate future, you may be considering your birth control options. One of these options is the vaginal birth control ring, patented under the brand name, NuvaRing. NuvaRing is a flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina where it releases progestin and estrogen into the blood stream through the vaginal wall. Like any other hormonal birth control method, there are a number of potential side effects caused by using the birth control ring. Here is what you need to know about them.

3 mins read

22 Weeks Pregnancy Development

Things are really starting to get exciting in Week 22 of your pregnancy. Hopefully you’ve moved beyond any initial morning sickness and your appetite has kicked into high gear. Have you woken up in the wee hours feeling completely starved? Making a baby is serious business, so don’t even think about dieting. Eat when you’re hungry, and try to make healthy food choices. But let’s be honest, pregnancy is the one time you can eat anything you like and not have to justify the jelly donut or daily ice-cream ritual.

3 mins read

Is Bad Back Pain a Sign of Pregnancy?

Many women do experience back pain during their pregnancy, but it is not typically an early sign of pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman. Other explanations for bad back pain could be stress, impending menstruation or physical strain. The only way to be sure that the back pain you are feeling is a sign that you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test or visit your doctor.

4 mins read

What Are the Different Family Planning Methods?

Couples have many choices when it comes to family planning methods. Learning more about your family planning options–and which method will best fit your health and lifestyle–can help you to make the right contraceptive choice. Family planning methods include hormonal contraceptives (like the pill), intrauterine devices, barrier methods, and sterilization.