2 mins read

What Are the Benefits of Meditation Studies?

The results of extensive research, including research on the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi, have been published in over 160 peer-reviewed scientific journals and edited books, including some leading scientific journals. The research into the effects of meditation studies have shown that they provide physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits. Some studies even suggest that you will live longer if you practice meditation.

3 mins read

Medical Benefits of Drinking Red Wine

In recent years, red wine has been assigned such health benefits as protecting us against heart disease and cancer. Still, many studies show no difference in red wine versus other alcohol containing beverages—such as beer, white wine or liquor—when considering their health benefits. The Mayo Clinic does report that something in red wine seems to be beneficial to heart health. They just aren’t sure exactly what it is that provides the health benefits.

1 min read

Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Coffee is one of the post popular drinks in the world and, until the last few years, it’s gotten a bad rap when it comes to health. However, some recent studies are beginning to point to moderate (3 to 5 cups a day) coffee consumption as a boon to drinkers. According to Dr. James Coughlin in the April 2007 issue of Science Daily, researchers have just begun to discover the benefits that coffee may have for individuals.