3 mins read

5 Ways to Keep a Job

The excitement of finally landing a job can quickly fade when you realize that job security doesn’t exist in a fluctuating economy. You can’t control cutbacks and mass layoffs and organizational restructuring. Fortunately, you can control other factors that affect whether or not you keep your job. Find out how to decrease your odds of losing the job you’ve worked so hard to land.

3 mins read

The Best Vacation for a Single Mom With Kids

Are you stumped looking for a vacation spot that fits your family and your wallet? Finding the best vacation for a single mom with kids can be difficult, but despair not. By following these quick tips you will be packing up your suitcases and forwarding the mail in no time. Remember, each family member has valuable input and taking that into consideration can make your trip low stress and full of fun for the entire family.

2 mins read

Family Household Rules

When you think of rules, do you usually associate them with school? Your children probably do, too. Nevertheless, household rules can be a great way to let each member of the family know exactly what is expected of him or her and are a valuable tool for defining boundaries. Too many rules can be overwhelming to kids, but a few general rules like the ones below cover a lot of ground, yet are easy to remember.

2 mins read

What Foods Contain Natural Estrogen?

Estrogen is found naturally in many foods, while other foods may inhibit estrogen. Some of the same foods that offer natural estrogen also offer other valuable nutrients that are important to a healthy diet. It is always recommended to eat a wide variety of healthy foods rather than focusing on only a few. The effects of estrogen should also be discussed with your doctor to ensure it is a healthy plan for you.