2 mins read

Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Emotionally abusive relationships do not carry the outward physical signs that can be present in other abusive relationships. The detrimental effects can range from subtle to obvious. The victim in an emotionally abusive relationship will often make excuses for the abuser, so it’s not always easy to recognize when someone is emotionally abused. Learning to spot the signs of someone in an emotionally abusive relationship is the first step in helping that person escape the abuse.

2 mins read

Signs of an Abusive Relationship

Abusive relationships can hurt friends and family behind the scenes. Even best friends can be unaware that the friend is in an abusive relationship. Often the person in the abusive relationship will make excuses for any unusual behavior and try to hide any signs of abuse. By learning how to spot the signs of an abusive relationship, you can help someone escape the abuse and to move away from a relationship that is so unhealthy.

6 mins read

Single Mothers’ Rights

A mother may become a single parent through divorce, widowhood or an estrangement from the father of her child. A single mother’s rights regarding such important issues as custody, child support or visitation can vary from state to state. Having a clear understanding of these rights is vital. Rights in family law will first consider the needs and rights of the child over the wants and demands of either parent. Ideally, the best interests of the child should be the primary criteria in all decision making.

3 mins read

How to Donate Eggs to Infertile Couples

A woman gives one of the greatest gifts a parent could ever know when she decides to donate eggs to infertile couples. With fertility clinics paying tens of thousands of dollars per egg retrieval, egg donation can be quite lucrative for donors as well. But before delving into the egg-donation process, it is important to understand how egg donation happens to help determine whether it is for you.