4 mins read

Tech-ville: How Much is Too Much?

Im in flight to NYC, this time my babies are buckled next to me. They are so excited to be taking an early spring break and heading out for an adventure with David and me. They really are great travelers and finally at an age that they can enjoy the city. Ill take them on the cheesy Central Park carriage ride that holds many types of memories for all of my children. Shay will for sure want to see the Empire State Building and search for King Kong. He hopes that I bring Kong home or at least a pic every time Im working in the city.

9 mins read

How To Have A Kid-Friendly Family Vacation In Italy

Now that my kids are able to pull their own suitcases and keep themselves entertained for long stretches of time, we’ve begun taking them on trips to different parts of the world something I’ve been waiting to do since the day they were born.Whenever I plan a trip, I spend a lot of time online doing searches for things to do with kids wherever were going to be. Invariably, I find …

5 mins read

Book Corner: Parenting in Print

The first one took me along a darkened, twisty trail as girls became teenagers rebelling against their parents and wrestling with own personal demons, as teens became twentysomethings who still needed their own mothers, to women becoming mothers themselves (or wanna-be mothers) who struggled with their own rocky childhoo