2 mins read

Sport Camps for Kids

If your child seems to never tire of engaging in sports, enrolling him in a summer sports camp may be an effective way to help him build his athletic skills and quench his thirst for physical activity. An array of camps featuring sports programs are available to children. To select your child’s perfect summer escape, consider which sports most strike his fancy, along with how far you want him to venture from home during his camp experience.

3 mins read

Pros & Cons of Treadmills

A treadmill is an exercise device that allows you to walk or run in place. People use it often to work out at home or at the gym. Comparing the treadmill to regular or outdoor walking and running is one of the best ways you can assess its pros and cons and find out if a treadmill is something that will work for you.

1 min read

How to Increase the Effectiveness of Birth Control Condoms

Condoms are an accessible, convenient and easy method of birth control. Available in latex, polyurethane and natural lambskin varieties, condoms come in various sizes and styles. With proper use, condoms are quite effective, with only a 2 percent failure rate. Actual use failure rates are closer to 15 percent, according to Contracept.org. Make condoms a more effective birth control option by using them correctly every time you have sex.