2 mins read

Is Baby Oragel Safe?

Baby Orajel is a familiar name brand on your drugstore shelves. This topical treatment contains benzocaine, an oral analgesic also used in sore throat sprays and nonprescription topicals for toothache, sore gums and denture pain. The American Academy of Pediatrics, or AAP, cautions you that Baby Orajel and similar products for teething babies may not be as safe as you think.

3 mins read

C-Section Procedures

A C-section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby. Although having a C-section is considered a routine procedure in many hospitals, it is still major abdominal surgery that should be used only when necessary. Knowing how the procedure is done, asking your doctor questions ahead of time, and preparing for the big day can eliminate most fear and anxiety.

2 mins read

Examples of C-Section Birth Plans

Cesarean sections, or C-sections, are major surgical procedures that are performed either in an emergency or planned because of abnormalities or risks with vaginal births. Whether you are planning to have the C-section well in advance or it’s a last-minute option, you should have a plan to have the delivery you want.

3 mins read

What Are the Treatments for Anal Warts?

Caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), anal warts, also known as condyloma, are growths affecting the skin around the anus, in the anal canal or in the lower rectum. Sexual contact is usually how you would get anal warts. Anal warts may affect the male (penis or scrotum) or female (vagina or labia) genitals. Having anal warts can cause discomfort, irritation, bleeding, itchiness and difficulty in bowel movements. Choosing the proper treatment depends on the location, number and size of the warts.