4 mins read

Process of Umbilical Cord Blood Donation

According to the Charity Guide website, umbilical cord blood donations can help treat a wide variety of serious medical conditions, including leukemia, sickle cell disease and cancers, such as lymphoma and brain cancer. Donating the umbilical cord blood of your newborn baby is painless, costs nothing and provides physicians a way to help more than 75 percent of severely ill patients who cannot be matched with a family member who has matching stem cells. The only thing required for a successful umbilical cord blood donation is planning.

3 mins read

Seven Tips For A Happy Summer

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Albert Einstein Summer is here. Lush green days lie ahead, simple pleasures, wildflowers, picnics, a walk in the park. Are these the things that make us happy? Yes. According to a growing body of scientific research, nature makes us happy. Our brains and bodies are hardwired for the great outdoors. Nature strengthens the immune system, lifts depression, increases anti-cancer white blood cells, and contributes …