4 mins read

Autism and a Canadian Trip

I seem to think that my son should experience as much as reasonably (and financially) possible, even knowing that autism is going to tag along. What experience did he have this time? Well, some experiences are good (positive) and some are not so good. A year ago last winter my brother died suddenly. It was…

2 mins read

Boating & Pregnancy Information

A relaxing afternoon on a boat sounds so relaxing. After all the aching, growing, swelling and cramping you’ve been doing, a quiet afternoon under the sun may be just what the doctor ordered. Pregnancy brings some complications to your boat trip, so consult a doctor and boat staff member before hopping aboard.

12 mins read

Making Mom Friends During Covid-19

I’ve never had trouble making friends. In high school, I was that kid who bopped from group to group, never settling with any one posse, happily getting along with people from all different social circles. And then I got older. And then I became a mom. Our friends and colleagues were split… They were either…