11 mins read

11 Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms Who Want To Go Back To Work

Stay-at-home moms: Dont fall for the media chatter that opting out of work to raise kids will sound the death knell for your career. It IS possible to get back in. You just need some advice and inspiration.Remember, as a full-time mom, you opted in to the most important job in the world – raising the next generation of capable and responsible adults. There’s no need to regret your decision; it was the …

3 mins read

Hanukah Hostess Gifts

Youre going to a Hanukkah party and want to show the hostess how much you appreciate the invitation, but you might find yourself wondering what kind of hostess gift to bring. Here are plenty of ideas – enough that you could use a different one each day of the eight-day-long celebration if necessary. Set the Table

2 mins read

Tasty Snacks Without The Guilt

Snacking is a pivotal time of day – it can provide you with energy or can result in tons of empty calories. Here are some delicious snacks that won’t leave you feeling too guilty (unless you eat the whole bag…) iPS iPS is a delicious crunchy chip made with corn, egg whites, and other all…

2 mins read

Tastes of Fall: Coffee and Pumpkin Spice Syrup

The following post is sponsored by Starbucks®  This recipe comes from Kelly Denton over at Eclectic Momsense. Make sure to check out her great blog! Now that everyone is back in school we can look forward to Fall and the start of the holiday season.  Cooler weather means hearty soups, pumpkin, and the flavors of Fall.…

3 mins read

A Midlife Moment

This afternoon I met with my friend C. at our favorite neighborhood spot. A quaint bistro-style coffee-house that serves delicious sandwiches and salads, pastries and artisanal coffees (C. swoons over the perfectly blended iced coffee), we love to sit here and chit-chat over lunch. Occasionally I finish up my meal with a handmade salted caramel chocolate truffle – heaven! While greedily devouring our eggplant, red pepper, zucchini and mozzarella sandwiches (on freshly baked Italian bread), C …