5 mins read

The Two-Letter Word Every Mom Should Learn to Say

For the first year after the divorce was final, my auto-response to just about every question that flew out of the mouths of my three sons was YES! It was an automatic, rapid-fire and knee-jerk reaction to each and every query. Yes, I will be your room mom! Yes, I will be the team mom! Yes, we can still go on vacations, live in our super-sized house, drive our SUV, and eat out at restaurants …

7 mins read

Show Me The Coupons!

Okay, so I admit it, I was never a big coupon lady. I blame it on the notion that I might have ADHD and looking for coupons just seemed like it would take that difficult word I struggle to have. Whats it called again? Oh yeah, patience. But its a whole new world out there. Couponing no longer requires such extreme patience and planning. Just click and print, baby. (And Im working …