3 mins read

How to Repair Acne Damaged Skin

As if suffering through pimples wasn’t bad enough, those pimples leave behind noticeable scars, in some cases. Acne scars come in several forms: The most common are crateriform scars, which leave an indentation in the skin after the tissue is destroyed by acne. Keloids and hypertrophic scars are raised above the skin and can grow if not treated effectively. You should talk to your dermatologist before embarking on treatment for acne scars, as she will be able to determine the best treatment, depending on severity of the damage and scarring.

5 mins read

How Much Do Surrogate Mothers Get Paid?

Agreeing to become a surrogate mother means giving up approximately 10 months of your life to become pregnant, go through gestation, labor and delivery, and then give the baby to others who will become his parents. It is a life-changing experience for which the surrogate is compensated. Fees vary for different agencies, but in general all expenses for the pregnancy are paid, as well as a fee to the surrogate mother. Becoming a Surrogate

5 mins read

Sofa Cleaning Tips

Whether your sofa needs just a little freshening up or a more complicated stain removal, the proper cleaning methods are essential. The last thing you want to do is use the wrong cleaners and damage your sofa. Several different home-cleaning methods can help you remove dust, dirt, spills, stains and mold. You can usually clean your sofa at home without the help of a professional. For severe stains, a professional upholstery cleaning company or repair service may be needed.

3 mins read

C-Section Procedures

A C-section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby. Although having a C-section is considered a routine procedure in many hospitals, it is still major abdominal surgery that should be used only when necessary. Knowing how the procedure is done, asking your doctor questions ahead of time, and preparing for the big day can eliminate most fear and anxiety.

2 mins read

Curly Dry Hair Tips

Sufferers of curly dry hair often fall into the trap of treating curly hair like straight hair. They shampoo it excessively, condition it too lightly and chop sections off rather than carefully trimming each curly strand. Take a tip from the many curly girls who have learned to love their hair and embrace the shape and style of curls. If you adopt new methods of cutting, cleaning, conditioning and styling your dry, curly hair, you will see shinier, bouncier curls rather than damaged frizzy hair.