2 mins read

How to Stop Child Bed-Wetting

It’s a frustrating experience for everyone when a child wets the bed, but don’t blame or become angry with your child. He isn’t doing it on purpose. In fact, chances are he inherited this condition from you or from a close relative. Children who wet the bed tend to be deep sleepers who don’t feel their bladders being full, so they don’t get up to urinate, wetting the bed instead. For most kids, bed-wetting stops by itself, but you can take some measures to help.

3 mins read

Why Is My Child Bed-Wetting?

Children rarely wet the bed on purpose or because they’re too lazy to get up, so it doesn’t do any good to punish your child or get angry with him for doing so. Bed-wetting is a medical condition called enuresis. About 5 to 7 million children in the United States have this problem, most of them boys. Bed-wetting usually clears up on its own by the time a child is 6 years old.