2 mins read

Memory Issues in Elderly Women

Many elderly women have memory issues. These challenges may range from simply forgetting where they have set their keys to completely losing parts of their past. If you notice signs of memory loss in a woman near and dear to your heart, exploring the potential causes can allow you to better see where this loss may end.

8 mins read

Does Your Child Suffer from Technology-Induced Anxiety?

What causes it, and how to fix it.  A few months back, I spent the afternoon at the park with a dear friend and his nine-year-old twin boys. While Brad and I savored a day away from our computers and phones, his boys became more anxious as the afternoon progressed, punctuating our walk with choruses of…

3 mins read

Early Signs of Mental Illness in Children

While some assume that children are immune from the effects of mental illness, in truth, children can be afflicted with these potentially debilitating disorders just as adults can. If your family has a history of mental illness, or your child’s behavior appears to be well outside the norm, you child may be one of the sizable child population inflicted with a mental illness.

3 mins read

List of Fertility Pills Available Without a Prescription

If you are trying to conceive, fertility pills may help. Your doctor may write you a prescription for fertility during your check-up. You might not, however, be able to afford to see a doctor regularly or afford the prescription pills. You might not want the harmful side-effects of strong chemicals that are present in prescription pills. You can always opt for over-the-counter fertility drugs to boost your chances of conceiving. Consult with your physician about over-the-counter fertility pills.

5 mins read

Why ’13 Reasons Why’ Is Not To Blame For Suicides

In March of 2017, Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why debuted; a series based on a novel by Jay Asher. The show follows high school student Clay as he listens to a series of cassette tapes made by fellow student, Hannah, who died by suicide. I was hesitant to watch despite being told by several friends and…