3 mins read

Christmas Crafts for Kids Made With Recyclable Materials

Christmas can be a consumerist holiday. Kids get excited about all the new things they will receive, and everyone buys new decorations and treats. Eventually, your living room alone can look like a department store that has exploded with items. You can still enjoy the holiday, however, without making a single purchase. Teach your children the value of recycling and not being wasteful by putting together decorations and gifts made from items you may have around the house.

3 mins read

How to Avoid the Jingle Bell Bloat

For many, the holidays are weight gains perfect storm.” Holiday madness can throw your life off-balance – lots of parties with scrumptious food and delectable drinks can be hard to resist; monster to-do lists can cut into sleep; and crazy schedules can get in the way of the gym… leading to guilt, anxiety, and a chubby belly. And all in time to make it tough to fit into form-fitting holiday finery! Its already happening in my world! My belly is starting to bloat like a balloon and were just getting warmed up with the holiday partying!