3 mins read

Acne Face Masks

Stress, shifting hormone levels, certain medications and even air travel can all cause acne flareups — whether you are 15 years old or 40 years old. Any one of those factors can leave you with a major case of acne. While long-term treatment with gentle cleanser and salicylic acid spot treatment works fine, an acne mask can help speed your breakout on its way a little faster.

2 mins read

How to Show Kids How to Put in Contact Lenses

Some children are itching to get contact lenses from the minute they find out they need to wear glasses. Contact lenses are usually not recommended for children under the age of 12, according to Kids Health. A pair of contacts are much smaller than a pair of glasses, so they’re easier to lose. They’re also a bit tricky to put in, especially the first few times your child tries.