5 mins read

Gone too far? The crazy (and sometimes unhealthy) things celebrities do to lose weight and get in shape

Numerous celebrities will admit to the pressure of maintaining seemingly trim figures. After the world saw Oprah shrink, expand, shrink, expand, and then finally say, "I'm never dieting again," we had front row seats for what it must be like to feel constantly judged for your appearance. For various reasons, here are some of the…

4 mins read

5 Unhealthy Habits to Break Before it’s Too Late

You want to live a long, full, productive life with the energy, focus and confidence to succeed in all levels. But, sometimes, on this path, maintaining your health drops on the list. Someday, you say, Im going to get my health back on track, after this next project, or when the kids get a little older…” Cmon, you know your list of reasons – or what I call EXCUSES – better than me. Look, if youre waiting for some magical day to appear, you just may be waiting forever.

3 mins read

Advantages & Disadvantages for Children in a Single-Parent Family

Nowadays, it is just as common for children to be in a single-parent family than a traditional two-parent family. Due to divorce rate, delays in marriage, and those shunning the institution of marriage altogether, single-parent families are becoming increasingly popular [Source]. There are many advantages and disadvantages for children of single parents. Disadvantages Listed below…

3 mins read

Mother’s Day True Tales

Mother’s Day grosses $21.2 billion in consumer spending and it's now the third largest dollar holiday behind Christmas and Valentine’s Day. The top three expenditures are restaurant meals, flowers, and cards, according to the National Retail Federation. But it turns out, moms don’t always want flowers, a cute card, or a meal out with the…