4 mins read

Vacation Ideas for Toddlers

According to Dr. Robyn Fivush of the Emory University, most children develop their first memory of detailed events between the ages of two and four. Since vacations are often very memorable events, in general, these vacation ideas for toddlers may develop into your child’s first memory. The perfect vacation also doubles as a unique learning experience for the whole family.

6 mins read

No Child Left Alone?

When I was growing up in Washington, DC in the 1970s, I spent most of the hot, humid summers exploring my neighborhood, kicking around my elementary school playground, and walking neighbors dogs at the local park across the street from my house. Except for quick meals, I was rarely home between 9am and full dark. Wherever I happened to spend my days, my mom was not there with me. She had four kids and a …

3 mins read

What Is Skype to Go?

Available for download on the Skype website, Skype software allows people and businesses to make free video or voice calls, send messages and share files with other Skype users or subscribers. If you’re planning to call anyone who does not use Skype, you may end up paying more if you do not get Skype To Go. “Skype To Go” will allow you to connect with non-Skype users across the globe, even if they do not have Skype, by using your computer, mobile phone or land line.