Back to School Safety Tips for Parents
Summer is drawing to a close, and we are getting our kids ready for back to school. So we asked our mom friends if they had any questions or concerns about their children’s safety. Here are a few of the top concerns: Question #1: Walking to School My child will be walking to school this…
12 Questions Parents Need to Ask Their Child’s Summer Camp
How do you know your childs camp is SAFE? Have you asked the appropriate questions that would give you confidence in the camp? When we questioned friends and family members who were sending their kids to camp, most parents – with a slight blush and timid smile -reported that their main concerns were:
Be Your Kid’s Best Parent, Not Their Best Friend!
Mom, are you my friend? (and we are not talking Facebook Friend here.) Those are the 5 words my son asked me. That small question made me think – how do I want to answer this? It had me pondering what other mothers thought about the idea of being their childs friend. But before I share their thoughts, let me tell you my own. “No, I am not your friend, I am your mom, is what I told my 10-year-old son. But the conversation didnt stop there – he went on to ask me if I was friends with my own parents. That one was an easy answer – “No” – and although my parents weren’t always perfect, one thing they definitely did do right is that they never tried to be my friend (at least until I became an adult).
7 Questions Every Parent Should Ask Before A Play Date
Im embarrassed to ask thatwhat will they think of me? This is what many parents tell us when we discuss the importance of asking safety questions of another parent/friend /adult before sending their kids to a play date, sleep over, or off to sports practice.
10 Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating
With Halloween approaching, parents are mindful of how to keep their kids safe on the most ghoulish of nights. As child safety experts, we’re sure a blog about safety on Halloween isn’t surprising, but we promise this wont be a long boring blog Just a short one to give you a few tips to make it a safe and fun evening for all.