2 mins read

Excessive Thirst During Pregnancy

Some women are said to have skin that glows during pregnancy. It’s possible this glow is caused in part by all that water you are drinking. Excessive thirst during pregnancy is common, according to AskDrSears.com. In most cases, the reasons you are so thirsty can be attributed to normal changes in the body during pregnancy.

3 mins read

Healthy Teenage Diets

Teens are commonly known for making poor eating decisions. While some junk food snacking or over-indulgence is to be expected, excessive consumption of unhealthy foods can lead to problems. As the Palo Alto Medical Foundation reports, 15 percent of children between the ages of six and 19 are considered overweight. If your teen is a member of this 15 percent, or if you are eager to ensure that he doesn’t join these ranks, consider what you can do as a parent to promote a healthy diet.