2 mins read

Easy Summer Soup Recipes

Everyone enjoys eating soup, but in the summertime, most people put their soup-eating on hold. The heat of summer is actually one of the best times for soup, as it is water-rich, uses the fresh garden produce that is so abundant in summer, and best of all, many soups are best when served cool. The following two soups are basic recipes. Feel free to spice them up if you wish, but they are truly fine on their own. The rich flavors of tomato, mango, and celery are enough to carry the recipes.

6 mins read

Healthy Raw Food Snack Ideas

Our seven-year old daughter enjoys eating raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. What’s so strange about that? Absolutely nothing! Except thats all shes eaten since she was weaned off of breast milk. Perhaps the strange part, if there really is one, is that not only does eating raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds seem perfectly normal to our daughter, but also that we had to go to great lengths to explain why some people choose to eat other fare.