2 mins read

Colon Cleanser & Skin Health

Some medical professionals claim that colon cleansers are a great way to help detoxify the body and enhance skin tone and general health, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, using a colon cleanser or getting a professional colonic might actually not be as helpful to health and beauty as the patient hopes. Learning more information about the ins and outs of colon cleansers and general skin care can help prepare you to make such health and beauty decisions.

2 mins read

Healthy Diet for Skin Care

Unlike the health of your muscles, bones and internal organs, the health of your skin is something others can easily view. However, like other body organs and tissues, healthy skin requires adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Although you might occasionally take it for granted, your outer covering performs some important tasks. Keeping your skin functioning at an optimum level requires sufficient nutrition. A healthy diet can supply your skin with the elements necessary for good health.

6 mins read

10 Healthy Lunches for Clear Skin

“You are what you eat,” Mom always said; she was right, especially when it comes to your skin. Just as your hair, your nails and even your emotional balance can be affected by what you eat, your diet can help transform your skin from dull and lifeless to clear and glowing. The best foods to eat for healthy skin are foods rich in antioxidants, iron, essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, and minerals such as zinc or selenium. It is simple to fit these foods into even the busiest schedule. Here are 10 sample lunches that are perfect for taking to work, sharing with friends or enjoying on a weekend at home. They aren’t just delicious; they are quick to prepare, economical and with every bite you’ll be giving your skin everything it needs to look as healthy as possible.

2 mins read

Healthy Diet for Beautiful Skin

While genetics and environmental conditions are powerful determinants in the skin’s condition and appearance, a proper diet can give the skin a healthy glow. It can be challenging to maintain a balanced diet that delivers all the nutrients for a healthy body and complexion. Integrating a few key foods into your weekly menu, and see if you notice the results in your skin’s tone, texture and moisture content. Establish or maintain a daily sunscreen habit to maximize your skin’s healthy and beauty.