Post-Pregnancy – How To Feel Better Inside and Out
What you may not know, or want to know about body after baby I am a post-pregnancy, gas passing, panty tinkling, flabby blob. Okay, if we all thought that might happen after giving birth, there would be lot less pregnancies.
Keep Your Skin Healthy in the Summer Sun!
I love summertime, especially when that includes fun in the sun with family and friends. Where I live now, this also means pool, lake or beach get-togethers. This is all great, but I have one big, big request that you PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE SUN.
8 Creative Ways for Moms to Get Some Much Needed “Me Time”
“I need me time!” This is a lament that I hear a lot from my younger friends who are moms of young kids – and older ones too. It is hard to get alone time with children running around.
Are You and Your Teen Speaking Different Languages?
Surprise: You and your daughter arent speaking the same language!
Party Survival Skills for Wallflowers
If someone says PARTY, I am there! I love getting together with old friends and making new ones, when I can.