3 mins read

How to Make Breasts Perkier With Exercises

Boost your silhouette naturally with regular exercise and movements targeting the chest area. Because the breasts are made of adipose tissue, lobules, ducts and fat, you cannot actually target them directly since the breasts themselves have no muscles. However, by focusing on general fitness to maintain weight and targeting the muscles below the breasts, you can have a livelier figure and profile, without surgery or some miracle-promising cream or undergarment.

4 mins read

What Is Normal Body Fat Percentage for Women?

Adipose tissue, or fat, is essential for the body to function properly. According to the American Council on Exercise, women need a body fat percentage of 10 to 12 percent for the tissue to adequately protect the body, regulate temperature, provide insulation, produce sex hormones and supply enough fuel to carry out activities. Dangers arise when the body stores too much fat. The American Heart Association states that a higher body fat percentage can lead to greater risks for developing diabetes, strokes, gallstones, high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease, even among women categorized in the “normal” range for weight and body mass index (BMI). A study released in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that levels of inflammation, which indicates a future risk for obesity, heart disease and metabolic disorders, correlated with a woman’s percentage of body fat and not with body weight or BMI.

3 mins read

Weightlifting for Women

You might spend hours swimming or running, but you still do not have the curves you hope for. Weightlifting is a good way to get cardiovascular exercise, and it tones and builds your muscles. Weight machines offer controlled, smooth resistance, which helps avoid injury. Free-weights are good for building the smaller supporting muscle groups that machines do not target. Join a friend when starting a weightlifting routine to keep you motivated and on track.