7 mins read

Teach Your Child to Say NO!

My child said NO to his counselor! What would your child do? When we were young, our parents sent us off to school and camp with statements such as: Be a good listener. Mind your manners. Do what your counselor tells you to do. A tough teacher is a good teacher. I cant even imagine saying blanket statements like this to my 10 year old today. In fact, almost the opposite is said at our house.

3 mins read

Pediatricians: Absolutely No TV For Little Ones!

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) once againreminded parents with children ages 2 and under that they should not be allowing their little ones to watch TV or other screens (like computer screens and smartphones) – something that 90% of parents currently allow! Why not? The doctors group said such exposure can have more potential negative effects than positive effects.

4 mins read

Easing the Preschool Jitters

Starting preschool is a huge step for your kid. The routine he is so used to will change drastically. Your kids transition to preschool is the start of him becoming more independent and less attached, as he is beginning his journey into schooling, where he will be for much of his life. You should try to understand it not only from your perspective, but from his. Change is a hard process for anyone, whether youre three or thirty three. Here are ways to ease your kids jitters about starting preschool: