2 mins read

Building Muscle Diets

To build muscles through a daily diet, your body needs a balance of protein and complex carbohydrates. It also needs fiber and plenty of vitamins and minerals. The keys are incorporating lean sources of protein in combination with good sources of complex carbohydrates and nutrients; think whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

3 mins read

Exercises for Muscle Building & Toning Without Equipment

Gym memberships are expensive and workout equipment is hardly conducive for small living spaces. Fortunately, you do not need a Pilates machine for muscle building and toning. Many exercises can be completed at home without equipment, and the results are a completely sculpted body. Perform these exercises several times a week on non-consecutive days. For the fastest results, do each movement until you feel like you are unable to do one more.

3 mins read

Protein Diets for Muscle Building

High-protein diets have long been a standby of athletes who need to have long-lasting energy and build muscle quickly. Protein is necessary for muscle growth, but the first step in beginning a high-protein diet is making sure you know how much protein is right for you. Too much protein can have adverse health effects. Finding the right amount for your body size and activity level, then finding good sources of protein to consume along with complex carbohydrates, will result in a protein diet that will help you gain muscle mass.

6 mins read

How to Build Muscles Quickly for Women

Many women shun strength training and any exercises associated with building muscle mass for fear of becoming bulky and unfeminine. However, a woman with muscles is still a woman; you can do strength training and build long, lean muscles that create a sculpted look, make you stronger, and define your curves. Strong and healthy can be a sexy look and an appealing lifestyle.

2 mins read

How To Soothe Sore Muscles After A Workout

Has the energy and vigor experienced during yesterday’s workout been replaced by achy, sensitive muscles? Its like a friendly, or maybe not so friendly, reminder of yesterdays activity. The muscle soreness or stiffness a day or so after a workout is called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and it can happen after an intense workout or new activity. This must be part of that no pain no gain thing.