2 mins read

Cool & Educational Games for Kids

When children seem to drown in new information or resist the drill approach to memorizing facts, consider implementing cool educational games. Many games, from traditional to multimedia, individual to large group, spark children’s interest and keep them motivated when other methods fail. Learning games work in the classroom, at home, in the library and in after-school settings.

3 mins read

Top Things To Do with Your Kids This Summer

As the days get warmer and longer, the last report cards are passed out and our kids start trading in their back packs for beach bags, the signs become inevitable summer is upon us. As parents, its important that we help our children continue to learn during the summer months to ensure they dont forget everything theyve learned during the school year. According to the National Summer Learning Association, when kids take an absolute break from education during the summer months whether by circumstance or design they can lose up to two months worth of grade-level skills. Two months!