2 mins read

The Best Acne Face Wash for Dry Skin

You may think that acne is only a problem with people with oily skin. Unfortunately, you can still suffer from acne even if you have the driest of skin. Using a cleanser designed for a person with normal or oily skin may only make your problem worse by irritating your face. Skip cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide. Even though it is effective at treating acne, it can make your dry skin dryer and cause burning and stinging, according to the Mayo Clinic.

3 mins read

Dry Skin Care Tips

The constant discomfort and aesthetically unpleasing appearance of dry skin is never welcome. While some lucky women experience little to no problem with dry skin, others must deal with this malady on a nearly daily basis. If you are prone to the development of dried-out, flaky skin, there is no need to despair. With some simple modifications to your routine, you may be able to add some moisture back into your parched pores.

3 mins read

What Are the Treatments for Dry Skin Acne?

If you have dry skin, your acne outbreaks worsen when moisture is scarce due to the drop in humidity and temperature. Your skin may become dry and irritated, causing your skin to itch and flake around the mouth, nose, shoulders and buttocks. Severe skin dryness may cause your skin to crack, leaving it vulnerable to the bacteria that causes acne. A daily routine of adding moisture to the skin will help offset this problem; you may need additional treatment if your acne persists.

2 mins read

What Are the Causes of Enlarged Pores?

Pores are the skin openings where the hair shaft erupts. They cover all the human body except the soles of the feet, palms of the hands and on the lips. Pores are, for the most part, tiny and difficult to see. When they become enlarged, they are more noticeable. They may make you self-conscious and anxious about the way you look. If looking into a magnifying mirror is scary because of your enlarged pores, look for the cause to find a solution.

3 mins read

How to Get Rid of Large Pores and Oily Skin

People with oily skin tend to have larger pores because of the extra production of sebum, or oil, that comes out of the pores. Another reason for having larger pores is due to dirt trapped inside the pores that turn into blackheads, whiteheads or acne. Sometimes the pores become larger due to improper removal of blackheads and whiteheads, which stretches the skin pores even bigger. There are some remedies to use in order to help get rid of large pores and oily skin. Some make use of natural methods, while others make use of chemical and mechanical methods.