2 mins read

Wanted: Good Neighbors

Earlier this week, a mom in the autism community reached out to me for some ideas or suggestions for dealing with a difficult neighbor. Her son, who is quite severely affected by autism, has recently developed a verbal tic/stim. Often verbal tics/stims present as loud, unusual, and random sounds.

26 mins read

Social Development and Bullying

Conflicts with Close Friends So, lets talk about those close personal friendships – kids will experience more conflicts with close friends than acquaintances. When our friend says something or does something to hurt our feelings it means a lot more than if a stranger did the same thing. Im sure we can relate to that. But, your childs ability to resolve conflicts will mature as they grow older and these challenges are part of that maturation.

4 mins read

Sleep 101

Im on day #3 of my new health and fitness plan. So far so good. Im totally sore from working out, but Im sticking to it. I have to admit that eating green and totally healthy doesnt make you feel great for the first few days, you actually feel full and bloated from all the veggies and frequent trips to the ladies room can get annoying but if you can get over the hump, it is sooo worth it.