5 mins read

Listen Up Pile or File People — It’s Time to Get Organized!

Pick up the latest copy of a hot home magazine and youll find glossy photos capturing sleek images of perfect homes and offices. Its so alluring, but honestly, where is all of the stuff? Do these people live real lives? The short answer is no. Even if youve gone paperless and now read your news online and receive your bills electronically, paper clutter is still never going away. There are just some documents that you need to have around. So, first remember that its ok to have some stuff and then figure out if you are a file or a pile person. Do you like everything tucked away or do you prefer to have stacks at the ready? Whether you are a color-coded file person or a towering pile of papers person, we have some tips to keep it all under control.

4 mins read

Home Office Organization & Cleaning Tips

If your home office is not organized, then you may be working in clutter and chaos. With a commitment to change the space, invite the kids to help or warn them about the forthcoming flurry of activity. They should know that Mom is ready to tackle the piles of papers, files and books in the home office. You can also organize shared office space, although that needs to be a team effort between spouses. What you think is junk may be your spouse’s sketch for an invention. Whether you are alone or with members of your family, just start and you can transform your home office.