4 mins read

Fireworks Without Tears

There was something so different aboutthe 4th of July this year. I could not put my finger on what it was. We had a great day playing, packing, and swimming. All the kids got alongand I accomplished a ton of stuff. Finally it was time for the traditional fireworkswe do every year in the street in front of the housewith everyone. It was the usual variety of smoke bombs (I still dont get why those areexciting), sparklers, little army tanks that are supposed to roll but never do, littleducks that are supposed to&

3 mins read


I planned on spending the long 4th of July weekend in Minnesota with my in-laws. Going to visit them is a true vacation for me as their home is on a gorgeous lake and my partner Joels three sisters all have kids and they run around like a wolf-pack that mystifies and envelops my oldest daughter.It is fantastic.

3 mins read

Best Fireworks Shows Across the U.S — Happy Fourth!

Whats the best thing about the Fourth of July? Next to getting a day off (even though this year is on a Sunday) work, its the fireworks! Everyone feels like a kid when watching a fireworks show, no matter how old you are. Here are the top firework shows in major cities across the U.S. Obviously, we couldnt include every city, but if yours is missing from the list, then write a comment below and share with where your family enjoys fireworks on the Fourth!

3 mins read

The Do’s and Don’ts of Firework Photography

Few things spark that sense of awe like a well-done fireworks show. But capturing those special moments on film – especially at night – can be tricky. Luckily, we have a few “Do’s and Don’ts” from the photo enthusiasts at Pholium, the digital photo book design and giving app for the iPad. Here are some tips to help you get the perfect shots this Independence Day.