3 mins read

Life Before Internet: 14 Ways WiFi Changed Our Lives

Whether you think life was easier back then, or better now, the Internet has created a sea change in the way we live our lives. Lets take a look at the way things were before the Internet took over our lives.When I was a teenager back in the 1980s, the Internet didnt exist. Imagine, people walking around without iPhones glued to their hands. There was no email, no texting, no Facebook. How …

6 mins read

Mom’s Internet Safety Cheatsheet

For many of us, using the Internet can seem like walking through New York City without a map. Everything is new and interesting, but also a little bit intimidating, especially when you don’t know how to navigate. Even more scary are all the horror stories in the media about the dangers that the children face online.

3 mins read

Are Your Kids Addicted to the Internet?

Do you ever wonder how your kids can waste hours browsing the Internet, checking Facebook and religiously watering their crops on Farmville? They might be addicted to their computer. Internet addiction is a growing problem that can seriously harm your kids. When researchers at the University of Maryland asked college students to refrain from using the Internet and other social media for 24 hours, the students began to show withdrawal signs similar to those experienced by people who try to quit smoking.