8 mins read

California’s Regional Center System: Tips and Tricks

What is a regional center? In California, there are 21 regional centers. Regional center clients include people on the autism spectrum as well as people with cerebral palsy, mental retardation, epilepsy, and all other cases involving developmental delays. Recently, my child’s regional center reported that approximately 90% of incoming cases are autism-related.

5 mins read

Autism and Vacations

My son loves to travel. He got that love to travel from his parents. A few years ago, my son and I took a road trip together—just the two of us. We hit some great Western states and tourist stops. We drove a lot in those twelve days. My son was eleven. We had taken…

5 mins read

23 Ways to Fight Fair with Your Husband

Thirty years of marriage counseling and 25 years of a second marriage have convinced me that couples do not need to fight; they need to discuss. Married couples need to solve problems, and sometimes they need to disagree, but they don’t need to squabble, argue or bicker. Fights are dramatic, a dynamic that does not really help a discussion. If you have enough energy to create drama, you have more than enough to tone it down into a discussion. However, because social expectations and mythology are so strong (fighting is often glorified in films and on television as a sign of passion), many of my clients want guidelines for “fighting fair.” I’ve developed a set of Fair Fight Guidelines you may find helpful.