6 mins read

Take it Easy — Life is But a Breeze

My best friend Melissa constantly reminds me of precious pearl dont force it and I believe the path to simplifying our lives is balancing the need for structure, going with the flow and either climbing or avoiding the brick walls. The summer days are longer and your spirit soars in free form. The school year is over and theres a new groove. Do you let loose and go free form or do you maintain law, order, structure and a schedule?

2 mins read

Could Your Kids Pee in the Woods if They Had To?

I was listening to some parenting expert the other day (and really, arent all parents experts?), and the woman was commenting on how kids dont know how to be bored. If they ARE bored, they dont know how to entertain themselves without the use of technology. I loved this scene from Judd Apatow’s “This is 40″… Debbie: We have decided to cut back on all of the electronics we use. Sadie: What?

3 mins read

ModernMom Chronicles: Chapter Twenty Six

What did parents do during summertime before day camps? Heather wonders as she loads backpacks, sunscreen, hats, towels, the diaper bag, bathing suits and water bottles into the back of her SUV. Her idea of getting a Prius seems ridiculous now. There wouldnt be enough room for all of the summer gear. There goes the environment, she thinks.