4 mins read

5 Unhealthy Habits to Break Before it’s Too Late

You want to live a long, full, productive life with the energy, focus and confidence to succeed in all levels. But, sometimes, on this path, maintaining your health drops on the list. Someday, you say, Im going to get my health back on track, after this next project, or when the kids get a little older…” Cmon, you know your list of reasons – or what I call EXCUSES – better than me. Look, if youre waiting for some magical day to appear, you just may be waiting forever.

4 mins read

About Natural Male Enhancement

Photographs of smiling couples, captured in an intimate embrace, gaze at you from your computer screen convincingly. Such are the marketing tactics for natural male enhancement products that proliferate the Internet and interrupt your late-night television programs. If the man in your life is eyeballing these products, you should know that not only are natural male enhancement pills unlikely to do what they claim; the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) says they could even be dangerous.