3 mins read

Do Any Famous People Have HPV Disease?

There are more than 40 types of human papilloma virus, or HPV, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The many types of HPV can be further divided into “low risk” or “high risk,” depending upon the likelihood of a person developing a terminal cancer from the virus. HPV is extremely common, though it can be asymptomatic until too late. Several famous people have struggled with HPV-related cancers, such as Farrah Fawcett and reality TV star Jane Goody.

7 mins read

Triplets Birth Story – Part 2: Recovery

It took me a little longer than expected to write the second half of the triplets birth story because frankly getting things back to normal around here has been trying at times. Here I am recovering from major surgery to remove three babies from inside me; my husband only had a few days time to take off and even then took off a few unpaid days.

3 mins read

Food Poisoning Symptoms in Children

Food poisoning can happen to anyone unfortunate enough to eat something contaminated with a certain type of bacteria or virus. Younger children are more at risk for food poisoning since their immune systems haven’t fully developed yet, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you suspect your child has food poisoning, you may need to contact the health department of your city or state, especially if you suspect he got it from a food he ate at a restaurant.

6 mins read

Making Holidays Easier for Caregivers of Aging Adults

When you think of the holidays, what comes to mind? If youre anything like me, images of happy families dining, laughing and giving gifts immediately flood your brain and give you that warm and fuzzy feeling all over. In the midst of coordinating travel plans, cooking and decorating, however, it can be difficult to find the right balance between seasonal work and play especially if you find yourself in the role of the family caregiver.