3 mins read

Surviving Divorce for Women

Sometimes, life throws curve balls. Divorce can be a very difficult time for many women. Many women experience high levels of stress over worries relating to living arrangements, finances, employment and children. Regardless of your marital relationship, spiritual beliefs, economical standards, divorce can create a hurdle in your life. Adjusting to current changes, as well as letting go of future dreams and goals, can seem almost insurmountable at times. Surviving your divorce means dealing with day-to-day issues, setting realistic goals and focusing on positive changes.

3 mins read

How Much Muscle Can Be Built in a Month?

If you’re new to strength training, you’ve probably asked: How much muscle can I gain—and how fast? The question matters, because unrealistic expectations may lead people to give up too soon. Some bodybuilders report adding as much as 10 lbs. of muscle in one month. Very few people will see results like that. Here’s some information to help you set realistic goals.