2 mins read

TV Moms We Love!

They’re wise, witty and they almost always have great hair… let’s give it up for awesome TV moms! From Mrs. Brady to Lorelai Gilmore, here are three television moms who really rock: Carol Brady Mrs. Brady was like the second mother we all wished we had. She gave the best advice and always was ready with a shoulder to cry on. Plus she was poised, polished and perfectly on time!

4 mins read

How Much TV is Right for Kids?

Over the years, I have counseled many parents to limit their child’s TV-watching to one hour a day of PBS only and to keep the television turned off at other times. To this well intentioned advice, I am often met with looks of incredulity and even protests.

5 mins read

My Family’s First Road Trip

When I was a teenager, our family used to make the eighteen hour drive from Pennsylvania to Florida ever year for winter break. Wed pile our suitcases in the trunk, wed load up with books and snacks, and my brother and I would cram into the backseat of my dads car, arm rest down in the middle like our own, personal, Berlin wall.

4 mins read

Can a Television Break Up a Couple?!

I loathe having a television in our bedroom. I don’t like to watch TV before falling asleep. I like to read. My bed partner, however, loves watching TV before bed and claims that he can’t fall asleep without it. That’s a hot steamy pile of turd, because on the few times when he didn’t watch TV, and instead read, he was out like a light in less than 10 minutes.

3 mins read

Do You Know What Your Kid is Watching?

Its the beginning of summer and your kids will be playing outside, going to summer camp, swimming, and now that they have a break from schoolwork, watching TV. There will certainly be times when you are not around to monitor the content on the screen. TV Watch, a national group promoting parental controls, helps you take control of what your family watches. There are a variety of tools to help parents manage what their children see on TV, including the TV rating system, on-air advisories and warnings, the v-chip in your television and parental controls on cable and satellite. Here are some tips for parents on monitoring what your kids watch.