5 mins read

Baby Sleep Safety

Since babies sleep unsupervised, it is vital that their safety be thoroughly considered when putting them to bed. When ensuring your baby’s sleep safety, it’s important to consider the space she is sleeping in, the environment she is sleeping in and what she is sleeping in. It’s also important to be knowledgeable of the precautions you can take to prevent injury or death while your baby is in his sleep area.

3 mins read

How Long Can a Baby Be in a Baby Swing?

Baby swings are a convenient way to soothe or entertain a baby. They come in a wide range of styles, from small, portable swings to elaborate swings that rock in all directions. The rhythmic, back-and-forth motion of a swing calms babies. Although there are many benefits to using a baby swing, there are also some things to take into consideration when deciding how often and for how long to use it.