4 mins read

My Daughter, Reality TV and Me.

I hate reality TV.well, most if it anyway. I am so over the fate of Jon and Kate. And while I confess to Idol worshiping during the final few rounds each season and enthusiastically texting my vote to support the underdog, I have little interest in keeping up with the preening, Botoxed, Married to the Mob Jersey girls on The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Because of my contempt for most of the low-culture products proliferating on the cable channels today, its a bit baffling that I agreed to let my six-year-old daughter Lexi get cast in a reality show.

7 mins read

It’s Ok To Let Our Kids Settle For “Good Enough”

When it comes to my kids, one of the things that stresses me out is this whole idea of specializing.Since my daughter was four or five, I’ve watched as many of her friends have streamlined their focus on piano or guitar, on club soccer or volleyball teams, on ice skating or acting or singing or swimming or tennis or dance. The stakes seem to get really high really fast – weekend tournaments in Las …