2 mins read

How to Stop Bleeding During Pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy sends off alarm bells, because it can be a warning sign that you’re having a miscarriage. While you’re right to be high alert, bleeding doesn’t necessarily mean anything’s wrong with your pregnancy. As many as 20 to 30 percent of pregnant women experience bleeding, according to the American Pregnancy Association, and of those women, only one-half have miscarriages. You can’t necessarily stop pregnancy bleeding, but there are some things you can do to help prevent it and to avoid making it worse.

2 mins read

Foot Cramps in Children

While some of your child’s aches and pains have a clear and obvious cause, because children are often active and injury prone, others may not be as easy to discern. Your child may experience cramping in his feet for a variety of reasons. Determining the cause of his cramps can help you treat his condition and ease his discomfort.

2 mins read

Mild Cramping During Early Stages of Pregnancy

Mild cramping during early pregnancy is fairly common. While it can be a frightening feeling to a newly pregnant woman, it is often not a sign of miscarriage. Your newly pregnant body must go through many changes. In the early weeks of pregnancy, many women experience slight cramping as their body adjusts to the pregnancy. Changes in the uterus as the baby implants can create cramping that feels similar to menstrual cramps. If you are concerned that your cramping is not normal or you experience severe cramping, contact your doctor.

3 mins read

Exercises for a Baby Belly

The joy of being a mother is priceless and indescribable. Nothing could ever replace or compare with that feeling of wonder when you know that you have brought life into this world. However, being a new mom presents a huge problem — baby belly. Fortunately, you need not worry. Aside from proper diet management and a belly wrap, you can perform certain exercises to solve your belly problems.