2 mins read

Tip on Potty Training Toddler

Your child begins experiencing milestones early in life. These exciting moments include taking his first steps, saying his first words and sleeping through the night. Another important first involves moving from diapers into big boy pants. Although you may eagerly anticipate completing this procedure quickly, your little guy may show some resistance to potty training.

3 mins read

Weight Training Routines for Kids

Children need about an hour a day of moderate exercise. While running, playing a sport or bicycling are all great ways to get in that daily exercise, some children may express interest in using weights to build up strength. Although myths have circulated about the dangers of children lifting weights too early, under most circumstances, weight training is a safe and healthy way for children to exercise.

2 mins read

Tips on Potty Training Boys

Teaching a rambunctious, and often attention-span challenged, boy to use the bathroom successfully can present quite the challenge. While nothing can make this task easy, you can facilitate your son’s learning and enable him to become adept at it more rapidly. Instead of struggling with your potty trainer, use easy, and often enjoyable, methods of potty training your boy.