5 mins read

Modern Life and Healthy Parent-Child Relationships: 6 Things to Be Aware of

Life in 2024 is so much different than when we were children. The world has changed, and with it, the way we live and parent. While modern conveniences have made our lives easier in some ways, modern life comes with some drawbacks that can cause stress and strain for our children and our relationship with them. In order to maintain healthy parent-child relationships, here are 6 things to be aware of.

5 mins read

Help Promote A Healthy Body Image For Your Kids

Meghan Trainor is still bringing down the house with her hit “All About That Bass.” The tune spent over 34 weeks on the Billboard Top 10. It’s not even a song about romance or love or broken hearts, those mainstays of rock, pop and country…it’s about body image and liking yourself as you are. And as a…

3 mins read

Sixth Grade for an Autistic Student

My child just started sixth grade.

Our elementary school is kindergarten through sixth, so he?s technically still in elementary school and not middle school. However, I?m still amazed he?s in his seventh and last year at our school.

Where did the time go?

How is sixth grade structured?

First, I?m happy to report that in my child?s school, sixth graders not only have instruction on every major subject (math, science, history, English) everyday but two …

2 mins read

What you CAN say to a parent of a child with Autism

There are often discussions about what NOT to say to parents about their children with autism. I wrote about it myself how some innocent questions and comments can actually be painful for a mama raising a child with autism. Although well meaning, some comments have the opposite of the intended effect. But please say something. Saying nothing can almost be worse. Someone recently asked me: what CAN someone say that is considered kind and helpful …

2 mins read

Support Education and Win a Freebie!

Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. – Khalil Gibran Can money buy happiness? Yes, according to Harvard Business School – as long as you are spending the money on somebody else. Generosity is good for you. Thats the surprising(?) result of a recent study of 136 countries. No matter what their economic level, from Uganda to Canada, people around the globe consistently reported greater feelings of positivity and wellbeing from helping others – even the memories of the good deed made them feel happy.