9 mins read

Ditch the Grinch and Deck the Halls

‘Tis the season! That’s what all the billboards, advertisements, and email subject lines are saying right about now, anyway.  But ‘tis the season for what, exactly? The obvious answers are “giving” and “gathering” and “getting out the sparkly decorations.” There are presents that need purchasing and cards that need crafting; there are parties that require…

2 mins read

Expert Advice About Pregnancy

When you get that positive test result confirming your pregnancy, a million questions are likely to flood your mind. With so many opinions, old wives’ tales and rumors, you may find expert advice to be your best source for answers. Seek out reputable advice and get the information you’ve been seeking.

3 mins read

Early DNA Tests on Pregnant Women

Noninvasive screening tests performed during your first trimester can give you valuable, if inconclusive, information about your baby’s risk for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. Diagnostic DNA tests can be performed as early as the first trimester and can conclusively tell you what blood tests and ultrasounds cannot. Certain prenatal tests can also determine the father of your child, if paternity is in question.