3 mins read

The Substitute

  On Saturday morning I took my son to the neighborhood barber for a much-needed haircut.  After much protesting and eye-rolling, he agreed that his curly hair was out of control.  Two weeks of wrangling with it unsuccessfully was enough to get him in the chair and see if the barber could reach that happy…

3 mins read

Why Kids Shouldn’t Diet

With the ever-growing rates of childhood obesity dieting may seem like a good idea for children who are more than pleasantly plump. However, as a Children’s Hospital in Boston study found, dieting is not always an effective means of weight loss for children. Researchers at this hospital determined that children who dieted seemed to regain weight more rapidly and suffer from an assortment of other ill effects as a result of their calorie restriction efforts. Before encouraging your overweight kid to try a diet, consider some of the negative side effects that child dieters may experience.

2 mins read

When to Seek Infertility Treatment

Trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant can be the most frustrating and heart-breaking experience you have ever gone through. Don’t jump the gun on getting infertility treatment, though, because treatment comes with some risks. The good news is that, as of 2010, infertility treatments are better than ever, with improved results and options, according to “Good Housekeeping” magazine.