6 mins read

How To Actually Organize Family Leisure

It can be difficult for busy families to spend some quality time together; parents are often juggling work commitments with keeping on top of household chores, while children may have studies and homework or after-school activities that eat up time. As a result, family time is often at a premium, and on those occasions when…

5 mins read

Vaccines, Autism, and the Coronavirus – Part Two

Vaccines, Autism, and the Coronavirus - Part Two My belief is that vaccines (specifically the MMR vaccine) does not cause autism. Take a look at where we are now. What’s happening in the world? A world pandemic because of a coronavirus. The illness caused by this coronavirus is called Covid 19. It is devastating the…

6 mins read

Autism and Adjusting to Pandemic Schooling

Like all kids these days, schooling looks quite different during these pandemic times. We used to walk to the elementary school, and I’d pick up my child post-school either for autism-related appointments or after the after-school program. He had an aide back then. He did well in school, yet had many autism-related/behavioral issues. The middle…

2 mins read

Bras for Pregnancy

Let’s face it: pregnancy changes your body, and one of the biggest changes involves your breasts. For some women, the new and enhanced cleavage is a welcome surprise. For others, it is a pain — literally. Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause the breasts to ache and grow larger. A good bra is essential during pregnancy to cut down on the pain and correctly support the breasts.