2 mins read

Are You Bored? Because I’m Not.

July may be National Anti-Boredom Month (?), but today’s modern mom is anything but bored. The latest Motherly State of Motherhood Survey shows that moms aren’t feeling weary because we’re not interested in our activities. Instead, we’ve got too many activities going on, and we’re feeling weary from sleep deprivation! According to the survey, nearly…

26 mins read

Social Development and Bullying

Conflicts with Close Friends So, lets talk about those close personal friendships – kids will experience more conflicts with close friends than acquaintances. When our friend says something or does something to hurt our feelings it means a lot more than if a stranger did the same thing. Im sure we can relate to that. But, your childs ability to resolve conflicts will mature as they grow older and these challenges are part of that maturation.

18 mins read

Why Homeschool?

LIKE most parents, I had always looked forward to the day when my children would finally enter school. During those early years of infancy and toddlerhood, when mothering feels like such a full-time job, I would assure myself that I would have a glimpse of my old life back …